Crypton (CRP)

Crypton is the payment unit of the Utopia ecosystem. It is a decentralized cryptocurrency. The official ticker of Crypton is CRP. Crypton is eternal, while transactions are instant, untraceable, and cannot be reversed.

Crypton Decimals
Block Time
15 Minutes
Maximum Block Reward
48 CRP
Maximum Reward Per Thread
0.048 CRP
Minimum Balance Need Per Each Mining Thread
64 CRP
Maximum Crypton Can be Mined Per Year
1,681,920 CRP
Send Cryptons from main address to Crypto Card fee
Send Cryptons from main address to another address fee
Send Cryptons from Crypto card to another Crypto Card fee
Send Cryptons from Crypto Card to another address fee
Transfer Cryptons between your main address and own Crypto Cards fee

Crypto Card

A Crypto Card is Utopia's alternative to conventional credit/debit cards. The card can be used to make payments without revealing your Public Key. Just like with regular cards, you can be billed only if you have provided your Crypto Card to the merchant.

Create Crypto Card (non-customized)
Create Crypto Card fee (1 customized character)
Create Crypto Card fee (2 customized character)
12 CRP
Create Crypto Card fee (3 customized character)
24 CRP
Create Crypto Card fee (4 customized character)
48 CRP
Crypto Card Maximum Active (account)
50 Crypto Cards
Crypto Card Maximum Create Per Day (account)
10 Crypto Cards
Invoice Auto-Decline Time
10 Days
Invoice Minimum Amount
0.00001 CRP
Payment Request fee

Crypton uVoucher

A uVoucher is a set of characters and digits with a preset value denominated in Cryptons. uVouchers are used to send Crypton to someone whose Public Key you do not know. uVouchers can be sent via SMS, email or any other convenient way.

uVoucher Create fee
Maximum uVouchers Active
1000 uVouchers
Maximum uVouchers Create Per Batch
50 uVouchers
uVoucher Minimum Amount
0.000000001 CRP

Utopia Name System (uNS)

The uNS is the decentralized equivalent of classic DNS within the Utopia ecosystem. DNS is subject to pressure and censorship from less than prefect international laws.

uNS Name Registration fee (1 character)
16,384 CRP
uNS Name Registration fee (2 characters)
4,096 CRP
uNS Name Registration fee (3 characters)
1,024 CRP
uNS Name Registration fee (4 or more characters)
10 CRP
Modify uNS Name fee
0.01 CRP
Delete uNS Name fee
0.01 CRP
Transfer uNS Name fee
0.01 CRP

Utopia USD (UUSD)

Utopia USD stablecoin is an anonymous, low cost payment method designed to maintain 1:1 parity with the US Dollar. It is built upon Utopia’s serverless, peer-to-peer blockсhain. UUSD's value is backed by DAI cryptocurrency collateral that is publicly verifiable and equals the total supply of UUSD.

Send UUSD from main address to another address fee
uVoucher Create fee
Maximum uVouchers Active
1000 uVouchers
Maximum uVouchers Create Per Batch
50 uVouchers
uVoucher Minimum Amount
0.01 UUSD